Local child honored in naming of Murray State fund

A local child is being honored, as Murray State’s Hutson School of Agriculture has announced the establishment of the Clara Gilliam Fund for Excellence.

Clara is the daughter of Christian County Magistrate Jerry Gilliam and Julie Gilliam, and she was diagnosed with Aicardi syndrome, which causes seizures and hinders the ability to move and communicate. Predicted that she would live past her fourth birthday, Clara recently celebrated turning six years old.

The fund, made possible by a generous gift from Christian County farmers Joseph and Lisa Sisk, supports the development of the Murray State Center for Agricultural Hemp and the growing hemp and CBD industry.  Clara has seen an improved quality of life under her CBD treatment plan.  The fund is made possible by a generous gift from Christian County farmers Joseph and Lisa Sisk.

Magistrate Gilliam says, “As graduates of the Murray State agriculture program, Julie and I are humbled and blessed by this donation from the Sisks to establish this fund in honor of Clara. We are hopeful that through this funding, the research and development of hemp at Murray State through the Center can continue to help Clara and others through the development of hemp and hemp related opportunities.”