Kentucky Agriculture receipts steady in 2019

The University of Kentucky’s Department of Agricultural Economics is forecasting that Kentucky ag cash receipts will total $5.9 billion in 2019, flat from last year’s level.

The annual reports from UK says that is still well below the record $6.5 billion in 2014.

Officials say sales continue to be plagued by relatively low commodity prices, but were aided this year by better than expected grain yields. Increased corn, wheat, dairy, and hemp receipts offset lower poultry, soybean, cattle, tobacco, and hog receipts.

Poultry will remain Kentucky’s largest agriculture enterprise, accounting for 21 percent of projected 2019 sales, followed by equine, corn, soybeans, and cattle.

Producers of local produce and meats, value-added agriculture and greenhouse sales continued to experience growth, but the forestry sector was challenged by adverse trade conditions.