Pennyrile bringing in outside help to restore power after storm

Over 3,000 Pennryrile Electric members remain in the dark this morning following a Severe thunderstorm Saturday afternoon that caused significant damage across the region.

Brent Gilkey with Pennyrile says crews worked throughout the night and have restored power to some and additional crews from elsewhere will arrive to assist this morning.

He says there are very large outages and then smaller outages where trees have fallen onto lines or poles have been blown down.

The Pembroke area has been hit as hard as any, with Gilkey saying a lot of the work there is replacing poles. He says they’ll re-route the flow of electricity to restore power in places when it’s possible.

It’s a similar story for large outages in the Oak Grove and Trenton areas.

Kentucky Utilities is reporting outages in Muhlenberg County and CDE Lightband has significant outages in the Clarksville area.