Many property tax bills in Todd County are coming back to the sheriff’s department as undeliverable and the sheriff is concerned some residents will be surprised when they learn late fees and other action is taken down the road.
Sheriff Tracy White told Todd Fiscal Court Friday morning that he’s getting a stack of undeliverable bills back in the mail every day.
He says if you’ve changed your mailing address or if you haven’t received a tax bill, you likely need to contact the Todd County PVA office.
Todd County Emergency Management Director Daniel Smith says it would cost the county approximately $90,000 to purchase digital radios for the volunteer fire departments and rescue squads. Those agencies have continued using the old analog system and struggle to communicate with dispatch on the north and south ends of the counties.
Magistrates took the information and could consider action at a future meeting. Smith reminded fiscal court that the federal government won’t issue grants for upgrades or for new equipment related to the Nexedge system that’s used in Todd and Christian counties.