HCC Mike Foster Golf Scramble fundraiser a big success

Thirty-four teams participated in the 29th annual Hopkinsville Community College Mike Foster Golf Scramble Friday, raising money to provide students with scholarships for textbooks at HCC.

Foster is quoted in a news release as saying, “We started this event 29 years ago with 12 teams playing, and look around. Next year, we may move to a 2-day event, because I hated to turn away all the teams that wanted to join us today,”

Todd Morris chaired the event and said individual hole sponsorships were up by 10 percent, bringing in an extra $7,600 in that category alone.

Yvette Eastham is the executive director of the HCC Foundation and the college’s Chief Advancement Officer and says, “Every $500 raised means that another student gets a textbook scholarship, or that we can provide other much needed services, and the golfers here today have helped a student at HCC reach toward their personal educational goals.”

An array of prizes was presented to winners of individual holes and in other categories and golfers had an opportunity to win a new Jeep from Sisk Auto Mall.

Ted Wilson and Friends won first place in the tournament, second place went to Foster, Soyars & Associates, the Stanley Engineered Fastenings team won best-dressed and Hopkinsville Police Chief Clayton Sumner won the putting completion.