Fort Campbell soldier indicted for vehicular homicide in Nashville

A Fort Campbell soldier has been charged with vehicular homicide in Nashville.

Metro Nashville Police say 23-year old Danny Weld-Ebanks surrendered to officers at the downtown precinct Wednesday afternoon and he was served with an indictment for vehicular homicide by recklessness for the June 14 crash at the I-24 – I-40 split that killed 47-year old Matthew Kenigson of Nashville.

The investigation revealed that Weld-Ebanks was traveling on I-40 east at a high rate of speed in the right lanes just after midnight. Witnesses reported that he had been weaving through traffic.

As he approached the I-24 split, he reportedly veered to the left across the area between the ramps to continue on I-40 east and rear-ended a pickup driven by Kenigson.

Kenigson died at the scene, while Weld-Ebanks and his passenger were not seriously injured.