Photos from Todd County EM
Thirty-four representatives of six volunteer fire departments in Todd County participated in training Saturday for the county’s recently acquired ladder fire truck.
Firefighters from Guthrie, Elkton, Trenton, Allensville, Sharon Grove and Fairview were at the Guthrie Volunteer Fire Department and Emergency Management Director Daniel Smith says they learned about safety and proper procedures for operating the truck.
He says the ladder truck could be deployed today if it was needed.
Smith says the ladder truck will remain housed in Guthrie, but firefighters there have committed to drive it anywhere in Todd County that it’s needed.
The 1992 Spartan 104-foot ladder truck with 11,000 miles was delivered last month.
Construction of Novelis was a driving force behind Todd Fiscal Court purchasing the truck. The new plant is 90 feet high in some places and no department in Todd County previously had the capability to provide fire suppression at heights over 20 feet.