New Neighborhood Ambassadors move into Challenge House #4

Challenge House #4, having gone a lengthy period of time without ambassadors residing in it, is now celebrating the arrival of two new ambassadors, Mike and Gina Condella.

Originally from New Jersey, then Tennessee and now settling in at Challenge House #4 on North Elm Street, the Condellas say they are excited to begin their work in the outreach ministry and already love their neighborhood. At an announcement Wednesday, Mike says they intend to create good connections and bring the neighborhood together in unity.

Gina says they want to help build bridges between people, to hopefully bring more understanding about the differences between people and their lives, and help people succeed.

Neighborhood Ambassadors are people who live in a Challenge House and want to rebuild neighborhoods by helping local residents rebuild their lives. Challenge House itself is an outreach that brings many opportunities to those who may be in need—including a multitude of youth programs, workforce training and education, and a helping hand where on is wanted.

The Condellas say right now they’re still settling in and learning the ropes, but they’ve already met many of their neighbors and look forward to hosting camps, bible studies, and more.

For more information on Challenge House and its mission, follow Challenge House on Facebook.