Community bids farewell to retiring HFD Chief Freddie Montgomery

The City of Hopkinsville bade farewell to retiring Hopkinsville Fire Department Chief Freddie Montgomery after 25 years of service at a reception Tuesday afternoon.

The Municipal Building filled with well-wishers, friends and family members to celebrate the man who has served as chief since 2014. Montgomery says he will miss the team he’s worked with the most.

He says the City of Hopkinsville has been very good to him and he’s been happy to serve it—saying no matter where he goes, he is proud to say he’s from Hopkinsville.

Deputy Chief Steve Futrell says Chief Montgomery will always be a part of the Hopkinsville Fire Department family.

Montgomery says he has no doubt that he leaves the city in the good hands of the fire department and its leaders. Montgomery has helped the department attain its best ranking ever among the top 2% nationally in fire suppression and in 2015, was named the Kentucky League of Cities Employee of the Year.

He was presented with multiple gifts at the reception, including a custom fire axe, a Hopkinsville Fire Department flag and a key to the city.