Excessive Heat Watch issued for Thursday – Sunday

The hottest weather of the summer will arrive once rain from the remnants of Barry departs and western Kentucky has been placed under an Excessive Heat Watch from Thursday afternoon through Sunday evening.

High temperatures in the 90’s will combine with humidity to create heat index values of 105 to 110, with the National Weather Service in Paducah saying several days of oppressive heat can have an impact to some individuals—especially those who engage in prolonged outdoor work.

Anyone spending an extended period of time outdoors Thursday through the weekend should drink plenty of fluids, take frequent breaks in a shady area and perform work in the early morning and evening hours when it’s cooler when possible.

Outdoor pet owners should be sure their animals have a constant supply of water and a shelter to take refuge from the sun. Never leave a child or pet in a not running vehicle—even for a short period of time—as the temperature inside can become deadly in a matter of minutes.