Wisconsin group completing volunteer work in Hopkinsville

A group from Wisconsin has been back in Hopkinsville this week helping with some much-needed work.

Officials say Sidekick Missions is a group comprised from different Methodist rural churches near Boscobel, Wisconsin.

It was their fourth visit to Hopkinsville, having come once in 2009 and twice in 2010.

During those three trips they completed 26 residential projects and five community projects.

They brought 99 people this time, youths and adults, to work on nine residential and two community projects in the inner city and downtown areas.

The housing improvements have included handicap accessible ramps, new gutters, new roofs, porch repairs, handrails and guardrail installations, new doors and fresh coats of paint.

They were expected to wrap up their work Friday before heading home.

Mayor Carter Hendricks is quoted as saying, “We are always thankful and appreciative that there are groups willing to come to our community to help us with important revitalization projects. We sincerely appreciate their hard work and their compassion helping to make a better Hopkinsville.”

Note: Photo provided