Gunman at Dallas courthouse wore 101st patch, claimed to have Fort Campbell ties

A man killed by police after opening fire on a federal courthouse in Dallas, Texas Monday was wearing a vest with a 101st Airborne Division patch and he may have once been at Fort Campbell.

Twenty-two-year-old Brian Isaack Clyde posted a video on Facebook in May indicating he’d served in the Army at Fort Campbell. He was receiving an award from Del Mar College at about the time of graduation in the video. Clyde said he didn’t have many options after getting out of the Army, so he decided to go to school.

He was fatally shot in an exchange of gunfire with police Monday after he had fired multiple rounds toward and into the federal courthouse building. Clyde was the only person killed and there were no other injuries.

Dallas Morning News photographer Tom Fox was outside of the building and said a masked man parked at the corner of two downtown streets. Fox said man ran and began shooting at the courthouse, cracking the glass of the door.  Images captured by Fox show Clyde wearing the vest with the patch.

A Department of Defense report indicates Clyde served in the Army from August of 2015 through February of 2017. No other information on his military history could be confirmed.

Fort Campbell officials told the Leaf Chronicle they were reviewing records to verify Clyde’s history.