Relay for Life is Friday, balloons released in memory of lost loved ones

The Christian County Relay for Life is Friday, and the festivities actually kicked off Monday with a balloon release to remember those who were lost to cancer.

Each balloon, which had colors that represented many different types of cancer, had the names of loved ones tied to them. Relay Chair Pam Futrell says this ceremony is often very emotional for attendees, who use it as a way to remember their loved ones and reach out to them in some way.

Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks and Christian County Judge Executive Steve Tribble read a proclamation declaring it Relay for Life Week and urged the community to support the cause to help one day find a cure for all cancers.

Futrell says Relay will begin Friday at 6 p.m. at the Stadium of Champions and there will be a slew of booths, food, activities and special performances until midnight.

Luminaries are still available for purchase by contacting the Christian County Relay for Life through Facebook. Futrell says that the show will go on in the event of rain—and Relay is off to a tremendous start, having already raised $68,000 in the effort to save lives and celebrate more cancer survivors.