Local delegation headed to sister city in France for D-Day anniversary

A delegation from Hopkinsville will be traveling to its sister city of Carentan, France next week to mark the 75th anniversary of D-Day.

A group of eight delegates from Hopkinsville will make the journey to attend ceremonies commemorating the event on June 6. They will stay with host families and attend events alongside the 101st Airborne Division from Fort Campbell.

The delegation will include Christian Fiscal Court Magistrate Darrell Gustafson, Hopkinsville City Councilman Terry Parker, Chamber Military Affairs Director Lindsey Geraci, Champion of Fort Campbell Lana Bastin, Convention and Visitors Bureau Director Brooke Jung, City of Hopkinsville Events and Marketing Director Chris Jung and two high school students who hosted students from France in their home during that delegation’s visit in March.

They will arrive in Carentan on June 4 and will follow a detailed itinerary of activities, including the official International D-Day ceremony at Omaha Beach, Cabbage Patch Parade, tour of Normandy Victory Museum and Liberation Ball.