Trenton remembers those who paid price for freedom

Trenton residents gathered on a windy Sunday afternoon at Edgewood Cemetery to honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.

Trenton Mayor Martha Jo Ray introduced Clarksville resident Richard Adams as the featured speaker. Adams served in the Gulf War and is retired from an Army career that brought him to Fort Campbell.

He says no matter how much military service has changed over the centuries, it still comes down to men and women being willing to die to protect the American way of life.

Adams thanked the many veterans in the crowd, saying even those who returned home from war lost a part of themselves in battle.

He thanked families of military men and women for the sacrifices they often have to make.

Julie Hamlet read the names of all known veterans—past and present—from Trenton and Heath Rives and Will Shelton performed the Battle Hymn of the Republic and Taps at Trenton’s annual Memorial Day service.