There could be considerable discussion Thursday night by the Christian County Board of Education regarding the proposed ‘nickel tax’ rate increase and the petition to place the measure on an election ballot.
An addendum to the regular monthly agenda lists closed session to discuss “proposed litigation regarding the affidavit and petition protesting the nickel tax levy.’
Following closed session, there could be discussion of possible reconsideration or rescission of the property tax hike.
The board may also explore the possibility of filing a complaint in Christian Circuit Court to challenge sufficiency and validity of the affidavit and petition filed at the Christian County Clerk’s Office by the Citizens Right to Vote on Tax Increases group. That petition contained 2,362 signatures that were confirmed by the clerk’s office as valid—136 more than what was necessary.
The final item on the agenda is discussion and possible decision on whether to fund a special election for the tax question or to wait until November when placing the question on the general election ballot would not cost the district any additional money.
The proposed tax would cost the owner of a $100,000 home an extra $55 annually and the new revenue would be used to service the debt on construction of a new academic building for Hopkinsville High School.
The meeting is set for 6 p.m. Thursday at the Board of Education building on Glass Avenue.