Pembroke murders suspect could face death penalty

Former Army major Christian “Kit” Martin could face the death penalty if he’s convicted in the November, 2015 murders of three people in Pembroke.

That’s according to the Christian County Grand Jury indictment returned Friday that was released to WHOP News Monday morning.

It alleges that the 51-year old Martin shot Calvin Phillips with a .45 caliber pistol and then attempted to set his 443 South Main Street home in Pembroke on fire.

Martin is accused of shooting Pamela Phillips and Ed Dansereau with a .22 caliber firearm before placing them in a car owned by Mrs. Phillips and setting it on fire in a field near Rosetown Road.

Attorney General Andy Beshear held a press conference Monday and gave an update in proceedings. He says Martin is currently being held without bond and at this time, he was unable to detail evidence that led to the arrest.

Each count of the indictment alleges Martin acted “alone or in complicity with others or another.”

The indictment notes Martin could face the death penalty, if  he’s convicted on the three counts of capital murder. He is also indicted for two counts of first-degree burglary for allegedly entering the Phillips’ South Main Street home; first-degree arson for setting fire to the vehicle; and attempted first-degree arson for trying to set fire to the home.

Three counts of tampering with evidence are for the alleged attempts to destroy the victims’ bodies.

Christian Circuit Court Judge John Atkins ordered Phillips be held in the Christian County Jail without bond.

The murders have been investigated by the Christian County Sheriff’s Department and Kentucky State Police and Assistant Attorney General Jon Heck will prosecute the case.

Christian County Sheriff’s Department Public Information Officer Chris Miller says they were glad for the assistance in the case, which has tremendously impacted the community.

Martin was working as a pilot for American Airlines subsidiary PSA Airlines when he was arrested Saturday morning at the Louisville International Airport. He was living near the victims in Pembroke at the time of the murders, but had since moved to Raleigh, North Carolina.

Arraignment for Martin has been scheduled for 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 22nd in the Christian circuit courtroom of Judge Atkins.

South Main Street scene in Pembroke

Rosetown Road scene