WHOP Rotary Radio Auction raises $330,000

The 69th WHOP Rotary Radio Auction reached and exceeded its goal, bringing in $330,000 over six nights.

A big push in Hour and Goat Club donations on the final night helped reach the $330,180 total. Nearly $77,000 in cash donations were received by Rotary on Saturday alone and the weeklong total was just over $219,000.

Final numbers also show a total of 705 items sold over the six evenings and brought in about $81,000. The diner and sweet shop made $28,000 for the auction.

Auction Chair Trent Haddock thanked everyone who made it all possible.

He says it ended up being a very successful auction.

All of that $330,000 will go to the Rotary Scholars program and other programs for young people in Christian County.

Scott Cowan will be the chair for the 70th WHOP Rotary Radio Auction in 2020.