Tiger Connection will host a public forum on the proposed nickel propery tax increase that could come up on a ballot for Christian County voters this fall.
The Christian County School Board approved a 5.5 cent per 100 dollars of assessed value property tax increase at its February 21st meeting. It would allow the district to increase its bonding capacity enough to construct a new academic building for Hopkinsville High School and it’s possible the state could match some of the new revenue.
A group calling itself Citizens Right to Vote on Tax Increases is gathering signatures in hopes of allowing voters decide if they are willing to pay the increased tax rate. They will need to turn in 2,200 signatures of registered voters in Christian County to the clerk’s office by close of business April 8th to get the recall election they desire.
The Tiger Connection forum is set for Thursday, April 11th at 6 p.m. at Hopkinsville High School and organizers call it “an opportunity for question and answer and the sharing of points of view regarding the Nickel Tax.”
Tiger Conection calls itself, “a group of people who share a vision to create an atmosphere at Hopkinsville High School and Hopkinsville Middle School that is positive and conducive to learning through the collaborative efforts of students, parents, teachers, administrators and the community.”