New trial dates set in death penalty case

Two new tentative trial dates have been set for the man accused of murdering two Fort Campbell soldiers in February of 2017 in Oak Grove.

Jeremy Demar is charged with two counts of murder, attempted murder, assault and burglary and could face the death penalty if he’s convicted. He allegedly shot and killed his ex-wife, 22-year old Priscilla East, and 28-year old Christopher Hoch after forcing his way into a home on Arkansas Avenue.

Audrey Woosnam represents Demar and asked for a continuance of the May 20th trial date, saying she needs more time to get all of Demar’s military records.

Woosnam has a death penalty trial in Logan County in July and one in Jackson County in October and wanted a June, 2020 trial date for Demar. Commonwealth’s Attorney Rick Boling wants the trial to happen this year.

Judge John Atkins set a preliminary trial date of October 21st. If the Jackson County trial happens and Woosnam isn’t available, trial would happen June 22nd of next year. Demar’s trial could last up to four weeks.

Woosnam also verified with Judge Atkins that the jury pool set to hear the Demar case will fill out a questionnaire at orientation.

After setting the trial dates, Judge Atkins encouraged both sides to continue negotiation toward a potential resolution to the case.

A pre-trial conference was scheduled for September 3rd, when lawyers will determine if the October trial date is a possibility.