Legislation that would prohibit abortion in Kentucky if a heartbeat is detected in an unborn child has made it to the governor’s desk.
Senate Bill 9 would require abortion providers to determine whether a fetal heartbeat can be detected before an abortion procedure could be performed. Exceptions for medical emergencies could be made per the bill.
Senator Whitney Westerfield of Christian County supported the bill and while he believes life begins at conception, he thinks more people could agree there’s life when there’s a heartbeat.
The legislation is being challenged in court as similar bills have been in other states and Westerfield anticipates that Attorney General Andy Beshear will decline to defend it.
Westerfield says he doesn’t vote on legislation thinking about potential court decisions.
The bill has an emergency clause, meaning it would become law with the governor’s signature.
Hear local lawmakers discuss this bill and others during our weekly Legislative Update program Sunday morning at 9 on Lite Rock 98.7 and online at lite987whop.com.