Ribbon cut for Arthur Plaza dedication on Sixth Street

The ribbon was cut for the dedication of the existing parking lot on Sixth Street in downtown Hopkinsville to be renamed Arthur Plaza, in honor of Mac and Cathy Arthur.

The Arthurs are longtime fixtures on Sixth Street, as the owners of Young Hardware—which is set to become The Mixer—and supporting figures behind many events, other local businesses and more.

Hopkinsville Mayor Carter Hendricks says the renaming of the lot in honor of the Arthurs is more than deserved.

He says the Arthurs have invested so much time, effort and energy into the heart of Hopkinsville is this was a small way to recognize them for their dedication.

A new sign with the name Arthur Plaza and details of the Arthurs’ contributions to downtown Hopkinsville was set up at the corner of Sixth Street across the road from the Christian County Courthouse.