Public forum for CCPS high school facility needs is Tuesday

The Christian County Public School System and the League of Women Voters are hosting a public forum Tuesday evening to discuss facility needs for both Christian County and Hopkinsville High Schools.

It will take place in the Auditorium Building of Hopkinsville Community College starting at 6 p.m. and there will be several speakers, including Superintendent Mary Ann Gemmill, the consultants for facility planning Ross Tarrant, both local high school principals and more.

Appearing on WHOP recently, Mayor Carter Hendricks urged citizens to attend and learn about what can be done to improve the state of the high schools. He says the youth of the community need access to the same opportunities that other school districts have.

He says infrastructure is just as important as instruction when it comes to school environments.

Hendricks says aside from student needs, structurally sound, well-functioning schools attract new residents as they look for places to raise their children.

There will be time allotted to share written comments and questions provided by the community regarding the facilities. Comments and questions may be submitted at the forum or prior to the event through the League of Women Voters Facebook page.