Former daycare employee abuse case heads to grand jury

Former First United Methodist Church daycare employee, Allison Simpson, had her case sent to the grand jury for review Friday after waiving her right to a preliminary hearing.

A preliminary hearing is used in District Court to allow the judge to hear the evidence and details of the investigation. The judge then determines if there is enough probable cause to send it to the grand jury for review and possible indictment. By waiving her right to the preliminary hearing, the case is sent directly to the grand jury without the details being revealed in court.

District Judge Foster Cotthoff agreed to waive the hearing, leaving the conditions of release the same while she’s out on bond.

As previously reported, an arrest warrant against Simpson alleges she, “subjected a 10 month old baby in her care to cruel confinement and punishment and wantonly engaged in conduct toward another baby, 8 months old, which created a substantial danger of serious physical injury to both babies.”

She is charged with second-degree criminal child abuse and two counts of first-degree wanton endangerment. The alleged abuse committed by Simpson was captured on video surveillance, according to the warrant.