School Board will meet only once a month in 2019

The Christian County School Board has decided that they will go back to having only one meeting a month in 2019, down from the previous two times a month.

That was approved at the last school board meeting, with Board Chair Linda Keller saying the meetings for the next year are set and they will set special-called meetings if necessary to accomplish business.

She says they’re going back to one meeting per month in an effort to reduce cost and maybe get more people coming to the meetings by making their schedules less busy.

A list of currently set meetings can be found on the Christian County Public Schools website, with the first meeting of 2019 set to take place January 17. Meetings take place in the board room of the Central Office located on Glass Avenue at 6 p.m. on those dates.

Members of the public wishing to speak at a Board of Education meeting must submit to the superintendent at least seven days prior to the meeting a written request to speak. Exceptions to the seven-day requirement may be granted by the board chair. The request must include an explanation or summary of the topic to be discussed.