Christmas came early to Pembroke Thursday night, as children of all ages got to meet with Santa himself and one of his reindeer.
In place of the usual tree lighting, citizens gathered to sing carols, drink hot chocolate and watch their kids tell Santa what they want for Christmas this year. Pembroke Mayor Judy Peterson says this night is all about the community being together in fellowship.
The park in Pembroke has changed since the Christmas programs began several years ago and Peterson says they intend to keep improving it, hopefully adding more playground equipment in the next year.
She thanked the Pembroke Ruritan Club for their generosity and dedication to the community as they were the ones who originally donated the land for the park.
Along with meeting Santa, attendees also got to meet Prancer the reindeer, who was content to take it easy before Christmas Eve and let families take pictures. Carols were sung, bible stories were read and laughter filled the air in Pembroke.