October is Dyslexia Awareness Month and the Dyslexia Association of the Pennyrile is making a difference here in the community helping those who are affected by the disorder.
Dyslexia is a learning disorder where a person has difficulty reading due to problems identifying speech and how they relate to letters and words, effecting the area of the brain that processes language. Association Executive Director Vicky Jones says one in five people are affected in some degree by the condition and they currently serve about 50 people in the community.
She says they provide classes to aid members with reading comprehension, screenings to measure for indicators of dyslexia and other services.
Jones says they’ve been visiting schools and handing out information to parents to spread awareness. She encourages people to like the Dyslexia Association of the Pennyrile on Facebook to participate in a giveaway and learn more about the disorder and what the association does.
Jones says if someone with dyslexia wants to get involved with the association, they can call 270-885-5804 or visit them online at Hopkinsville-dyslexia dot com. The non-profit organization will also accept donations, with funds going to aid those in need.