It was 20 years ago next month when Rich Liebe defeated Wally Bryan in a Democratic primary to unseat him as Mayor of Hopkinsville and it appears Bryan will make an attempt to reclaim that job in this year’s general election.
Bryan has filed a statement of candidacy to run for mayor as an independent before the deadline, according to information provided by the Christian County Clerk’s Office. He will be on the November ballot if he gets the required number of signatures.
Bryan was mayor of Hopkinsville from 1990 through 1998 and later founded Challenge House, which he remains involved with as a volunteer.
His commitment to initiatives associated with Hopkinsville’s inner-city are well documented and he’s received numerous awards and recognitions over the years—including the 2005 Hal and Bettye Thurmond Award for improving race relation in Christian County and the 2009 Unity Award for promoting a spirit of unity and collaboration in the community.
Bryan would face Republican incumbent Carter Hendricks, Democrat Jason McCraw and independent Walter Shamble in the general election.