Daniel Gray, the former Hopkinsville Police officer charged with official misconduct, will go to trial in July after a date was set Wednesday in Christian District Court.
Gray appeared with defense attorney Rick Boling, who requested proceedings be continued until a pretrial hearing on July 11. District Court Judge Jim Adams granted the request, and set the trial date at July 26.
The trial is expected to last two days. Gray was charged with two counts of official misconduct, which is a misdemeanor, for allegedly giving a woman leniency in exchange for sex. A warrant from Kentucky State Police states that in November of last year after serving a probation violation warrant against a woman, he drove her to the Fairview Inn and had sexual relations with her while she was in custody. He took her to jail after the encounter.
Police say the victim described encounters with Gray in which she understood that she would not be arrested if she engaged in sexual relations with him. Gray resigned from his position in the police department on November 20 before being arrested later in the day.