Oak Grove murder suspects receive ankle monitor release while awaiting trial

Murder suspects, Tyron Holt and Omega Plaisime, appeared in Christian Circuit Court on Wednesday where their trial was postponed into 2025 and the pair were granted release on ankle monitors.

Holt is charged with complicity to murder and Plaisime is charged with murder in the 2022 shooting death of 18-year-old Gailon Toler. Commonwealth’s Attorney Maureen Leamy says she is waiting for testing to be completed on shell casings recovered from the crime to scene to prove which gun they were discharged from. Leamy says the testing is set to be competed in December.

Circuit Judge Andrew Self asked Leamy if she would rather go to trial in October or release the defendants and postpone the trial date. Leamy said she has no choice but to release the defendants as she waits for the test results.

Leamy believes that Plaisime was the sole gunman, but if the testing shows that the shell casings came from multiple guns then that will disprove her theory.

Self approved 60-day ankle monitor grants for Holt and Plaisime and following the 60 days if they can not maintain the cost of the ankle monitors then their release will be revoked.

Holt and Plaisime will reappear in court for a pretrial conference on January 8 and their trial was reset for the week of April 14.