Kentucky AG Coleman is looking to get a Surgeon General warning on social media

By: Ag. Reporter Mollie Goode

Kentucky’s Attorney General Russell Coleman announced the state has led a group of 42 attorneys generals requiring a surgeon general’s warning on social media platforms. 

Alarm is arising amongst state attorneys general concerning social media’s effect on its young viewers, leading to a letter to congressional leaders. In that letter, the attorneys general referenced research linking social media usage to a rise in depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts in kids. 

The surgeon general’s warning label would prompt parental monitoring and resemble those found on tobacco products. 

The bipartisan coalition mentions that attorneys general from 42 states coming together to agree on the next steps to ensure the safety of children in our care speaks to the significant threat posed by algorithm-driven social media platforms.

Attorney General Coleman spearheaded the 42- state letter, along with support from attorneys general from California, Colorado, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, and Tennessee.