Hopkinsville delegation visits France for D-Day anniversary

On June 6, 1944, U.S. soldiers along with allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France, in what later be known as the D-Day Invasion, to liberate western Europe from German Nazi control during World War II. Earlier in June, Hopkinsville residents and soldiers from Fort Campbell, visited Carentan, France to celebrate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Hopkinsville and Carentan were recognized as sister cities in 2019 when a French delegation from the town visited to recognize the contributions of Fort Campbell soldiers in World War II. Soldiers from the 101st were responsible for liberating Carentan from Nazi control in the days following the D-Day Invasion.

The Hopkinsville delegation departed for France on May 31 and included, Amy Rogers the Executive Director of Visit Hopkinsville and Shannon Lane the Director of the Christian County Military Affairs Committee.

Rogers says it was an honor to be a part of the Hopkinsville delegation and in France, they attended several events paying homage to the soldiers that served in World War II and played a role in D-Day. Rogers says it was amazing to be in the presence of so many World War II veterans who recounted their time in the war.

In February, a delegation from Carentan visited Hopkinsville, and Rogers says one of her highlights on the trip was reconnecting with some of those who visited Hopkinsville. Patrick Fissot visited Hopkinsville in February and in France he works with the Normandy Victory Museum was able to provide a VIP tour of the museum to the Hopkinsville delegation.

Rogers says her favorite part of the visit was walking on Utah Beach where the D-Day Invasion took place.

Lane shared that one of his highlights from the trip was seeing how much appreciation the people of Carentan had for veterans and active-duty soldiers. During the week of the anniversary, Lane says multiple ceremonies and celebrations were hosted recognizing the importance of D-Day.

Even as a military retiree, Lane says he was warmly welcomed and thanked for his service. Lane says the delegation saw multiple statues and memorials densely located near the D-Day Invasion site honoring fallen soldiers and remembering World War II.

Pictures from the delegation’s trip to France can be found on Facebook at Visit Hopkinsville and Christian County Military Affairs Committee.