Trial delayed in Oak Grove murder case

Trial has been delayed in the case against Oak Grove murder suspect Rudolfo Amaya, as the Commonwealth looks to have a mental evaluation regarding possible insanity. 

Trial had been set to start Monday morning, but Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Greg Cortese says due to the defense looking to pursue a mental illness defense in this case, the Commonwealth would like to have their own evaluation done to determine any insanity.

Judge John Atkins impressed upon both parties the importance of getting this evaluation done as quickly as possible, and Cortese assured that he’s been in communication with the Kentucky Correctional Psychiatric Center to help expedite the process.  So, Judge Atkins delayed the trial and set a pretrial conference for June 12. 

Amaya is charged with murder in the first degree and first-degree wanton endangerment in the fatal shooting death of 43-year-old Dante Welch. 

He is alleged to have shot and killed Welch on New Gritton Avenue in Oak Grove in March of this year—he allegedly shot Welch, who was inside of a parked vehicle, in front of a toddler who was also in the vehicle.