Industry, economic development highlight of Chamber Eye Opener breakfast

The Christian County Chamber of Commerce hosted an eye opener breakfast concerning economic development and local industries Thursday morning, highlighting growth and upward trajectory in the region. 

Southwestern Kentucky Economic Development Council Executive Director Carter Hendricks was the keynote speaker and highlighted the achievements the region has seen over the last four years, from big expansions to even bigger announcements in all three of the Council’s counties. He says manufacturing is big in the region, bringing thousands of jobs and billions of dollars with it.

Hendricks says success can be fairly measured by the numbers—just in the City of Hopkinsville, the amount of payroll tax collections has increased to $1 billion, thanks to job growth.

He says looks towards the future, they’ll be focused on continuing support for existing industries, bringing new industries to the region, addressing childcare and more.

Chrisitan County Judge-Executive Jerry Gilliam says he’s very optimistic about the future of the counties and investments from industries such as Novelis and Ascend Elements paves the way for better quality of life for all residents.

In the last four years, there have been 16 announcements, nine new industries or businesses and over 1,500 jobs that have settled into the region. Both Judge-Executive Gilliam and Todd County Judge-Executive Todd Mansfield took time to recognize local industries and the strong work they’re doing in their communities.